powerful style


Your unique style isn't just about fashion; it's a reflection of who you are, and I know exactly how to bring it out. With access to top-notch designers, and a seasoned eye for styling, my team and I don't follow fashion; we define it. Together, we will carve out a style that's unmistakably yours. It's more than fleeting trends; it's a timeless signature that mirrors your unique essence. Creating a personal style that transcends the momentary but lasts a lifetime is not just our philosophy - it's our promise to you. 

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My name is kasia michaels and I am your Luxury personal stylist. 


In this last phase, I will expertly blend your new additions with your existing wardrobe, crafting the perfect selection for the season. Furthermore, I will provide a virtual closet, simplifying your morning routine and ensuring effortless styling choices as you embark on each new day. 

the virtual wardrobe


Prepare to indulge in an enchanting day that everyone adores! It's time for your exclusive VIP shopping experience, curated to perfection. Savor the moment as you sip a glass of champagne while exploring a selection of pre-styled outfits and exquisite, high-quality pieces, all designed to elevate and enhance your impeccable wardrobe. 

the shop & style


A solid plan begins with crystal-clear vision. In this pivotal step, I will retreat to my style studio, meticulously crafting a captivating mood board that embodies your newfound style direction. 

the vision


In this empowering first step, we will edit your wardrobe to align with your renewed and elevated style by removing anything that doesn't fit, flatter, or support your new style goals. 

The edit


how it works

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